Saturday, September 27, 2008

Birthday Party

On Friday, September 26th, our Projects Manager, Mary had a birthday....the big 3-0! Our team celebrated with an office party. We enjoyed pizza, chips and chocolate (yes, chocolate! Mary's favorite!) birthday cake with ice cream.
"We know we're getting old when the only thing we want for our birthday is not to be reminded of it." Author Unknown
No such luck for Mary - we wouldn't let her forget!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Higland County experienced it's first ever hurricane and his name was Ike! We still have power outages in the county and minor to extensive damage. Brett at Nationwide Insurance just informed me that they have 40,000 possible claims across the State. Cincinati still has thousands with no power and homes ripped up. High winds began to blow last Sunday afternoon and became fierce. The amazing thing was that the sun was shining and no rain! We personally lost shingles off the office, broke our company sign beyond repair and lifted up a section of barn roof that I have not repaired yet. I may add hurricane straps to it! Our prayers are for the families in the area that are suffering the most. Don't tell me a huricance can't hit Ohio!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Jeff Holbrook Memorial

The Highland County Fair is in full swing and it is a hot one! Temperatures in the 90's all week! That has not affected the die hard fair goer. Labor Day was a large turnout and we had the Wharton building full of people as we gave away 1500 free ice creams! It hit the spot on a very hot day! We also picked up several good buyer and seller leads!

The Jeff Holbrook Memorial was recently finished and on display in front of the Dairy Barn. It put a lump in my throat. Jeff was a man who loved the Fair and especially the Dairy area! I knew Jeff most of my life since I was a dairy kid myself. My memories of Jeff were of him consistantly beating me in classes, showmanship, you name it. When he finished his showing career, I then was consistantly beat by his sister! A man respected and held in the highest regard by all! In my opinion...all generations of the Holbrook family are 1st class!