Saturday, September 30, 2006

Updates from The Ohio Department of Health

New Sewage Treatment System Rules will be effective January 1,2007. Prior to final adoption, the pending amended STS rules (and the new rules previously adopted in May 2006) can be found through the ODH web link to Pending Rules posted on the register of Ohio. Look for the new and amended rules for chapter 3701-29 at

The final STS rules should be available on the ODH web site soon after the October 12th Public Health Council meeting. Look under Final Rules for Chapter 3701-29 at

Click here for more information! If you have questions regarding the new STS rules, contact Tom Grigsby or Jean Caudill at 614-466-1390.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Technorati Profile


Jeff and Karen recently attended the Ohio Association of Realtors Annual Conference. The Convention Center located in Cleveland played host to this annual conference, held in mid-September. The continuing education classes were great! Jeff's favorite classes were led by Terry Watson and Dave Beson. Information regarding advanced techniques of marketing homes, websites, the latest technology available to Realtors was presented. A stay at the Marriott across from the convention center provided excellent accommodations!

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Highland County Fair

The first full week of September found hundreds of people - including us! - gathered at the fairgrounds for the Highland County Fair! Our office participated fully in the fair experience, especially showing our support for the youth of our area. We encouraged the efforts of the young fair-goers by helping purchase the Reserve Grand Champion Feeder Calf, Grand Champion Meat Goat, Grand Champion Dairy Goat, Reserve Grand Champion Meat Poultry Pen and Ethan Dickey's Market Goat. We supported the Butter Sales and the Lisa Kisling Scholarship Fund. Every project was outstanding! Our future community leaders are built through the positive youth activities of today! It is our pleasure to encourage the development of skills that are a part of 4-H and FFA projects.

Our team members enjoyed visiting with the community at our booth in the Wharton Building! On Labor Day, which the fair board hosts as Senior Citizens Day, 1000 ice cream cups sweetened the day! Five hundred Dickey Group t-shirts were scattered over the fair grounds throughout the week! Our daily giveaways and door prizes made the fair a fun event!

The entire Dickey Group wishes to thank everyone who puts in the extra effort year after year to make The Highland County Fair a truly wonderful community enriching experience!

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

All Realtors are the Same

The greatest misunderstanding I see taking place in the market today is the idea that all Realtors are the same… and nothing could be farther from the truth. That’s like saying all doctors are the same, all teachers are the same, all attorneys are the same… ask OJ about that one, all mechanics are the same. Simply not true!

Realtors are as different as the East is to West! In my mind, about the only thing Realtors have in common is a Real Estate license. From there, you the buyers and sellers need to compare when choosing representation.

Experience, number of years in the business, full time vs. part time, education, number of yearly transactions, and satisfied past clients should be taken into consideration when choosing a Realtor. Let’s say you are faced with major heart surgery. Would you choose a doctor who says this is his second surgery and the first patient died! I don’t think so. You would choose the surgeon who has performed hundreds of successful surgeries with no losses. Just like the importance of heart surgery, for most families, their real estate transaction represents the largest financial event usually in their lifetime.

Let’s look at education. Those letters you see after a Realtors name are very important. They represent professional designations that the Realtor has obtained. Many of those designations have taken months, with travel, covering a multitude of real estate related subjects, and thousands of dollars to obtain so that you can be represented in your real estate transaction by the best. Trained to negotiate. Trained to get you the most money, in the shortest period of time, with the fewest hassles. Defenders of your equity! You’ve worked hard for your money… don’t give it away!

Marketing. No two real estate companies market the same. You, the buyer or seller owe it to yourself to discover the differences. After all, you are paying for these services! Meet with your Realtor and discuss a proactive marketing plan for your property, what methods of marketing will be used, and obtain a satisfaction guarantee. Interview three Realtors and compare marketing, then choose the best one for you. I know you’ll be surprised!

"I’m going to list with the Realtor who offers the lowest commission." I like this one! Let me start by saying, Are real estate commissions negotiable? Absolutely! The old saying, “you get exactly what you pay for” pretty well applies to just about everything in life… including real estate! There are many limited services brokerages to choose from. When a Realtor says they will do it for less, your antennas need to go up immediately! You need to begin to look very closely at what services you may or may not be about to receive. The best is never cheap.

Shop for a Realtor the same way you would any other service! Compare and then decide. You’ll be glad you did! Visit our website to see The Dickey Group difference!

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Monday, September 04, 2006


Welcome to the Highland County Blog! Your source for information related to the real estate market in Highland County, OH and surrounding areas!