Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hillsboro High School All-Class Reunion

The Hillsboro High School All-Class Reunion will begin in June 30th at 2 p.m. with an alumni gathering at the high school. Registration will take place as well as tours of the current high school building with former classmates and family members. At 7 p.m. that evening, there will be an all-class program at Richards Memorial Field. This will include recognition of alumni and teachers, a brief update on the current schools, and Hillsboro Bicentennial information. The evening will end with light music and refreshments and a dance. Other events during the reunion and bicentennial festival will be the opening of a 175-year-old time capsule. In addition, a new time capsule will be buried.

For a complete list of events for the All-Class Reunion and Hillsboro Bicentennial visit their Web site at

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