Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hillsboro Bicentennial - Celebrating a Milestone

This summer's All Class Reunion will be a highlight of the celebration commemorating Hillsboro's 200th year. The weekend of June 30th will encompass most of the event, with Alumni from Hillsboro High School from more than 80 years participating in events. Many special events will coincide with the reunion.

Other events will take place as it gets closer to the actual date of Hillsboro's founding. This includes digging up the time capsule and creating a new one. The annual Hillsboro Holiday Parade, held in November, will combine with the bicentennial to celebrate local history.

All of these events provide special opportunities to engage in embracing and learning about our community's past. We hope to see you as we help wish Hillsboro a Happy 200th Birthday!

Click here to read more!

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